War! What is it Good For? Not Memorable Advertising

War! What is it Good For? Not Memorable Advertising

A vast amount of money spent on advertising and lots of energy (and quite a lot of spending) goes into media planning. And yet, as is so often the case, the focus is all to often on the conscious mind. Planners look at things like viewing figures, demographics, and attitudinal profiles. What they don’t usually consider is what will be going on around the advertisement. That’s a bit like convincing yourself someone will want an ice cold drink, without bothering to appreciate that they may have just the day in sub-zero temperatures. With everything we understand about the influence of the environment and how powerful unconscious priming can be, this must be a mistake. Granted, it’s often very difficult to know what will take place in a television programme in advance, broadcasters don’t like to reveal their story lines. However, those same television companies earn their revenue (mostly) from advertising, so […]

Should You Surprise Your Customers?

Should You Surprise Your Customers?

When you deal with a range of products day in and day out it is understandable that you might want to dream up ways of surprising your customers. Rather than confront them with the same old lines of products, how about adding in something that stops them in their tracks. What about doing away with all those dull categories, and lining things up according to price; wouldn’t it be better to shake things up a little? The answer is, it depends. Generally speaking, giving your customers an easy way to navigate through a large number of choices is the way to go. There have been numerous studies conducted about the problems too much choice creates. Beyond those, other studies have found that, when people are asked to make a choice from a large range, they are more satisfied if the range has been clearly classified. Even if the classifications are […]

Have You Had Sex Recently? The Problem with Words

Have You Had Sex Recently? The Problem with Words

I realise it’s a bit forward of me to ask, but I really need to know: have you had sex recently? In the business of market research you have to be prepared to ask all kinds of things and it’s surprising what people will talk to you about just because you’ve asked them a question and, perhaps unusually, are really listening to the answer. But there’s a problem with words. They don’t always mean the same thing to different people. And yet we can get so comfortable with the mental pictures we attach to linguistic labels we can easily forget. Cultural differences are often, but not always, easy to recognise: you could ask an English person how they felt at winning the lottery and they might well tell you it was ‘nice’! Meanwhile, an American might define a slightly altered recipe of peanut butter as ‘awesome!’. George Bernard Shaw once […]

Market Research: Belief in a Pseudo Science

Market Research: Belief in a Pseudo Science

Probability is an interesting thing. It’s relatively easy to evaluate the probability of a particular event happening but, when it comes down to it, we humans are much more concerned with our own experience. If we experience an unlikely event we tend to massively over-estimate the likelihood of that event happening again. For example, last week I was hit on the head by a golf ball. There I was waiting for someone else in my group to play, minding my own business, when an errant drive from an adjacent hole landed a direct blow to my skull. Fortunately, this was a good inch above either of the points where it could have killed me (the temple and the eye). The probability of me being hit was tiny. I was playing golf with friends who I play with only once or twice a year. We had never played the course before. […]