The True Cost of ‘Free’

The True Cost of ‘Free’

Getting something free is great. You can save yourself no end of money on market research by simply assuming that customers would like your product, provided it doesn’t cost them anything and they don’t have to give up anything else to get it. Honestly, you’ll shift thousands of whatever it is. But, of course, you won’t make any money. And that’s not ideal. One ingenious way around this problem is to give away something for free at the same time that a customer is buying something else. That way you get to send out all those irresistible messages that there’s something free to be had, whilst making the money you need from the revenue on other product. By virtue of a cunning piece of mental accounting you can split the profit across both products and, providing you haven’t ignored the cost of the two, still make a profit. Unfortunately, recent […]

The Consumer Need Myth

The Consumer Need Myth

It’s all a matter of consumer need. If you can understand the consumer need your product satisfies then you can tell prospective customers about it and they will buy it. And the great news is that you find out what consumers’ needs are in relation to any product or service by asking them. So, if you aren’t currently succeeding you have a simple route to turn things around. Find out what the consumers needs are by asking them. Tell them your product meets them. What could be easier? Well, the great news is that I can save you the trouble of step one. Because I’ve done the research already and I can tell you the answers. Consumers don’t really need anything. Ok, the basics, food, water, heat, shelter. But unfortunately (or not depending on how you look at it) someone has beaten us to all these markets. And the only people […]

Why Women Take So Long to Choose and Men Jump to Conclusions

Why Women Take So Long to Choose and Men Jump to Conclusions

Let’s face it, most of us are familiar with the situation. The couple sit in the restaurant chatting happily, smiling at each other and enjoying themselves. Then… The menu arrives. He glances at it, selects something and puts the menu down, suddenly remembering how hungry he is and hoping that the food will arrive very soon. She sits back and starts looking at the menu as you might a favourite novel. She studies it with the sort of attention normally reserved for forensic investigations. He tells himself to relax. “Don’t spoil the evening by getting cross,” he thinks to himself. She is oblivious to his building discomfort. Wrapped up in the vast selection of delicious alternatives present. “Hmmm,” she wonders, “what would be best?” Several minutes pass. He can’t conceive what mental algorithms she’s juggling with that might necessitate such a long time between seeing the menu and choosing some […]

Why Advertising Fails

Why Advertising Fails

It’s nice to tell ourselves that we’re inherently simple creatures. If we want something we can decide we’ll go out and buy it. Perhaps we’ll see an advert that will encourage us to buy something and we’ll decide we want to own whatever it is. Possibly we’ll decide to go to the shops and see if we are tempted by something on display. But that’s just what we like to tell ourselves. And that’s fine in protecting our view of ourselves, but if you want to understand how to communicate effectively to consumers it is more helpful if you understand how the human mind works. That means understanding the way in which associations cause us to behave. How a sensory input – a word, a picture, a message, an advert – unconsciously triggers a thought because of what we’ve experienced in the past. It can be hard to reconcile the […]